Introducing alphatomica

Verified truth

Alphatomica aims to become the universal symbol of truth for consumers and brands, making commerce more transparent and efficient through the power of blockchain.


Our strengths

Experts in
inbound marketing


Content creation and strategy

Package includes

Marketing strategy

Traditional and crypto community marketing.

Email marketing

Help promote and interact with your brand / services.

Marketing strategy

Powerful way to maximize the benefits of daily tasks.forma de maximizar los beneficios de las tareas diarias.

Weekly performance report

Reports of all work status during the week.

Monthly report

So you can know that your money is in good hands.

Monthly strategy

It plays an important role in the success of the company.

Campaign creation and management

Develop a measurable campaign creation plan.

Nutrition and Lead Automation

Develop good relationships with buyers at every stage.

CRM output and data maintenance

It plays an important role in the success of the company.


Do you want to be a customer?

We have to connect

Do you want to learn more about how to be part of the ALPHATOMICA revolution? Leave us a message and we will get back to you with more information.

ALPHATOMICA © 2021 all rights reserved

Nothing in this document shall be considered a prospectus of any kind or an investment request, nor does it in any way refer to an offer or request for an offer to purchase financial instruments in any jurisdiction. Furthermore, any information provided in this document does not constitute an offer, solicitation, or sale of SUKU tokens in any jurisdiction where such an offer, solicitation, or sale is illegal.